Course curriculum

    1. Aquino, K. (2000). Structural and individual determinants of workplace victimization The effects of heirarchical status and conflict management style. Journal of Management, 26(2), 171-193.

    2. Barnett, P. (1993). The Walker cycle of violence and its applicability to wife battering in the South African context. University of the Witwatersrand.

    3. Baskin, T. W., & Enright, R. D. (2004). Intervention Studies on Forgiveness A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Counseling & Development, 82(1), 7990

    4. Baumeister, R.F., Stillwell, A., Wotman, S.R. (1990). Victim and Perpetrator Accounts of Interpersonal Conflict: Autobiographical Narratives About Anger. Journal of personality and social psychology 59.5, 994–1005.

    5. Beel, N. (2013). Domestic violence, gender, and counselling Toward a more gender-inclusive understanding. Psychotherapy in Australia, 19(4), 44-52.

    6. Bentovim, A., & Williams, B. (1998). Children and adolescents Victims who become perpetrators. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 4, 101-107.

    7. Bogat, G. A., Garcia, A. M., & Levendosky, A. A. (2013). Assessment and psychotherapy with women experiencing intimate partner violence Integrating research and practice. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 41(2), 189-218.

    8. Boring, F. M. (2008). Birth trauma. Constellation List discussion.

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    10. Brooks, O., et al. (2014). Violence against women Effective interventions and practices with perpetrators A literature review. The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.

    11. Burelomova, A. S., Gulina, M. A., & Tikhomandritskaya, O. A. (2018). Intimate partner violence An overview of the existing theories, conceptual frameworks, and definitions. Psychology in Russia State of the Art, 11(3), 128-144.

    12. Casswell, G., Golding, K. S., Grant, E., Hudson, J., & Tower, P. (2014). Dyadic developmental practice (DDP) A framework for therapeutic intervention and parenting. Child & Family Clinical Psychology Review, 2, 19-27.

    13. Cohen, D. (2006). Forgiveness in prison. Constellation List.

    14. Complex Trauma Institute. FST trauma playbook.

    15. DeBeixedon, S., & Zur, O. Intimate partner violence. httpwww.drzur.comonlineintimatepartnerabuse

    16. Dutton, D. G., & Corvo, K. (2006). Transforming a flawed policy A call to revive psychology and science in domestic violence research and practice. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11(5), 457483.

    17. Dutton, D. G., Clift, R. J. W., Winters, J., & Swihart, G. The abusive personality A new third variable linking alcohol and drug use amongst wife assaulters. Journal of Family Violence.

    18. Falconer, J. Living with brain injury Post-rehabilitation recovery.

    19. Fisher, J. (2001). Dissociative phenomena in the everyday lives of trauma survivors. Boston University Medical School Psychological Trauma Conference.

    20. Fisher, J. (2009). Sensorimotor psychotherapy in the treatment of trauma. Practice Innovations, 4(3), 56-165.

    21. Fisher, J. (2014). Putting the pieces together 25 years of learning trauma treatment. Psychotherapy Networker.

    22. Fisher, J. (2014). The treatment of structural dissociation in chronically traumatized patients. In Anstorp & Benum (Eds.), Trauma treatment in practice Complex trauma and dissociation. Oslo Universitetsforlaget.

    23. Fisher, J. (2017). Trauma-informed stabilisation treatment A new approach to treating unsafe behaviour. Australian Clinical Psychologist, 3(1).

    24. Gabriela Mann (2020) Perpetrators and Victims Can the Self Renounce Its Trauma_, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 407, 487-496

    25. Golding, K. S. (2020). Understanding and helping children who have experienced maltreatment. Paediatrics and Child Health, 30(11), 371-377.

    26. Grinage, B. D. (2003). Diagnosis and management of post-traumatic stress disorder. American Family Physician, 68(15), 2401-2408.

    27. Guilding, M. (2020). What is complex trauma_ Perspectives on complex trauma The Journal of the Complex Trauma Institute, 1(1), 3-18.

    28. Hellinger, B. (1998). Loves hidden symmetry. What makes love work in relationships. Zeig Tucker & Co.

    29. Hellinger, B. (2001). The adulteress. In Loves own truths Bonding and balancing in close relationships. Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.

    30. Hoff, B. Whats wrong with the Duluth model_ httpwww.batteredmen.combatdulut

    31. Hoff, B. Why women assault College women who assault and the reasons offered for such behavior.

    32. Hughes, D. (2010). The communication of emotions and the growth of autonomy and intimacy within family therapy. Psychotherapy in Australia, 16(2), 54-65.

    33. Hughes, D. (2014). Dyadic developmental psychotherapy (DDP) Goals and objectives. DDP Network.

    34. Hughes, D. (2017). Dyadic developmental psychotherapy (DDP) An attachment-focused family treatment for developmental trauma. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 38, 595-605.

    35. Jenkins, A. (1990). Invitations to responsibility. Dulwich Hill Publications.

    36. Kepner, J. (1999). Healing tasks basics. In Healing tasks Psychotherapy with adult survivors of childhood abuse. Jossey-Bass.

    37. Khan, F., Baguley, I. J., & Cameron, I. D. (2003). Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. The Medical Journal of Australia, 178(6), 290-295.

    38. Lannert, B. K., Garcia, A. M., Smagur, K. E., Yalch, M. M., Levendosky, A. A., Bogat, G. A., & Lonstein, J. S. (2014). Relational trauma in the context of intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(12), 19661975.

    39. Levin, S. (1997). First aid for children. In Waking the tiger. North Atlantic Books.

    40. Loftus, E. F., & Guyer, M. J. (2002). Who abused Jane Doe_ The hazards of the single case history. Skeptical Inquirer, 26(3), 1-12.

    41. Madanes, C. (2006). Chapter 16 Outcomes in the treatment of juvenile sex offenders. In The therapist as humanist, social activist, and systemic thinker... and other selected papers (pp. 221-229(. Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.

    42. Madelung, E. (2001). The dignity of the perpetrator. Praxis des Familien-Stellens 2001, 21.

    43. McCarthy, J., & Keenan, M. (2013). Human rights and social justice Challenges for social workers in working with men who have perpetrated sexual crime. University College Dublin.

    44. Meichenbaum, D. Trauma, spirituality, and recovery Toward a spiritually-integrated psychotherapy. Melissa Institute.

    45. Pereda-Perez, P. (2017). Harmful sexual behaviour What works for non-mandated adults_ Evidence brief. Ministry of Social Development.

    46. Prescott, D. S., & Miller, S. D. (2014). Improving outcomes one client at a time Feedback-informed treatment with adults who have sexually abused. ATSA Forum, 26(2-3), 1-11.

    47. Prescott, D. S., Gonsalves, V., Reynolds, J., & Miller, S. D. (2015). The emerging use of feedback-informed treatment with people who have sexually abused. Sexual Abuse A Journal of Research and Treatment, 1-5.

    48. Quadara, A., Nagy, V., Higgins, D., & Siegel, N. (2015). Conceptualising the prevention of child sexual abuse Final report. Australian Institute of Family Studies.

    49. Rauch, S. A. M., & Cahill, S. P. (2003). Treatment and Prevention of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Primary Psychiatry, 10(8), 6065.

    50. Roth, S., & Friedman, M. J. (Eds.). (1998). Childhood trauma remembered A report on the current scientific knowledge base and its applications. The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.

    51. Rothschild, B. (1995). Defense, resource and choice. 5th European Congress of Body-Psychotherapy (April 27-30). Carry-Le Rouet, France.

    52. Rothschild, B. (1998). Post-traumatic stress disorder Identification and diagnosis. Soziale Arbeit Schweiz (The Swiss Journal of SocialWork, February).

    53. Rothschild, B. (2002). Understanding dangers of empathy. Psychotherapy Networker (JulyAugust).

    54. Rothschild, B. (2004). Applying the brakes. Psychotherapy Networker (JanFeb).

    55. Saakvitne, K. W., & Pearlman, L. A. (1996). Chapter 1 What is vicarious traumatisation_ In Transforming the pain A workbook on vicarious traumatisation. Norton.

    56. Salter, M. (2017) Child sexual abuse. In W. Dekeseredy & and M. Dragiewicz (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology, Routledge.

    57. Serlin, I. A., & Cannon, J. (2004). A humanistic approach to the psychology of trauma. In D. Knafo (Ed.), Living with terror, working with trauma A clinicians handbook. Jason Aronson.

    58. Shahri, H. (2019). Integration of traumatic memories. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18(2), 106-115.

    59. Simclair, H. (1993). The new mens checkin. Bill Moyer.

    60. Sonkin, D. J., & Dutton, D. (2003). Treating assaultive men from an attachment perspective. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 7(1-2), 105133.

    61. Steed, L. G., & Downing, R. (1998). A phenomenological study of vicarious traumatisation amongst psychologists and professional counsellors working in the field of sexual abuseassault. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 2(2).

    62. Straus, M. A. (1999). The controversy over domestic violence by women A methological, theoretical, and sociology of science analysis. In X. B. Arriaga & S. Oskamp (Eds.), Violence in intimate relationships (pp. 1744). Sage Publications.

    63. Symonds, M. (2010). The Second Injury to Victims of Violent Acts. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 70(1), 3441. httpsdoi.org10.1057ajp.2009.38

    64. Tishler, C. L., Gordon, L. B., & Landry-Meyer, L. (2000). Managing the violent patient A guide for psychologists and other mental health professionals. Professional Psychology Research and Practice, 31(1), 3441.

    65. Tomlinson, P. (2014). Communicating with traumatised children. The Good Enough Caring Journal, 14, 1-18.

    66. Trippany, R. L., Kress, V. E. W., & Wilcoxon, S. A. (2004). Preventing vicarious trauma What counselors should know when working with trauma survivors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 82(1), 3137.

    67. Ulsamer, B. Trauma work and family constellations Irreconcilable or complementary_ Human Systems Institute, Inc.

    68. Valent, P. (2006). Introduction to survival strategies. httpwww.trauma-pages.comavalent98

    69. van der Kolk, B., & Buczyski, R. Four concrete steps for working with trauma. The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.

    70. Vizard, E. (2013). Practioner review The victims and juvenile perpetrators of child sexual abuse - assessment and intervention. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(5), 503-515.

    71. Walker, L. E. A. (2000). Personality characteristics and the battered woman syndrome. Dr. Ofer Zur. httpwww.drzur.comonlinewalker8

    72. Wexler, D. B. (1999). The broken mirror A self psychological treatment perspective for relationship violence. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 8(2), 129-141.

    73. Wexler, D. B. Rules of engagement. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    74. Woods, J. (2016). The makings of an abuser. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 42(3), 318-327.

    75. Zur, O. Psychology of victimhood Reflections on a culture of victims and how psychotherapy fuels the victim industry.

    76. Zur, O. Spousal and partner abuse. Dr. Ofer Zur.

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    2. Baur, A. L., & Toman, S. (2003). A Gestalt perspective of crisis debriefing Working in the here and now when the here and now is unbearable. Gestalt Review, 7(1), 56-71.

    3. Broughton, V. (2013). Trauma constellations with a Gestalt perspective. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, 14-24 + Morgan, B. Response 25- 31

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    5. Butollo, W., Karl, R., Konig, J., & Hagl, M. (2014). Dialogical exposure in a Gestalt-based treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Gestalt Review, 18(2), 112-129.

    6. Cohen, A. (2003). Gestalt therapy and post-traumatic stress disorder The irony and the challenge. Gestalt Review, 7(1), 42-55.

    7. Cole, P. (2016). Trauma therapy and clinical practice- Neuroscience, Gestalt, and the body. Gestalt Review, 20(1), 90-92.

    8. Djoric, J.Z, et al 2016). Emerging Beauty beyond Freedom: Gestalt Therapy Approach with Offenders using CORE and CHAP instruments. In Roubal, J.(Ed) Towards a Research Tradition in Gestalt Therapy (pp.314-335). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

    9. Figgess, S. (2009). Working with trauma. A journey towards integration Gestalt and EMDR. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, 34-41

    10. Lapides, A. (2011). A gentler Gestalt therapy On reducing stimulation in adult survivors of abuse. International Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy, 2(2), 34-46.

    11. Perera-Dilitz, D. M., Laux, J. M., & Toman, S. M. (2012). A cross-cultural exploration of posttraumatic stress disorder- Assessment, diagnosis, recommended (Gestalt) treatment. Gestalt Review, 16(1), 69-87.

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    13. Rogers, R., & Ridker, M. (1981). Dynamics of pathalogical aggression from a Gestalt therapy paradigm. The Gestalt Journal, 4(1), 65-73.

    14. Roos, S. (2018). Making meanings of flashbacks- A proposed intervention. Gestalt Review, 22(3), 371-376.

    15. Serok, S. (1985). Implications of Gestalt therapy with post traumatic patients. The Gestalt Journal, 8(1), 78-89.

    16. Taylor, M. (2013). On safe ground using sensorimotor approaches in trauma. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, 513 + Jacobs, L. Reply Vol 23, No 1

    17. Taylor, M. (2019). In the face of trauma- Relationship, ethics, and the possibility of presence. Gestalt Review, 23(3), 261-281.

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    2. Bethea, L. (1999). Primary prevention and child abuse. Americal Family Physician.httpwww.aafp.orgafp990315ap1577

    3. Broughton, V. (2010). The illusions of love The multi-generational impact of trauma.

    4. Broughton, V. (2014). Professional training in multigenerational psychotraumatology and the constellation of the intention.

    5. DeBeixedon, S. Partner violence in ethnic minority families. Dr. Ofer Zur. httpwww.drzur.comonlinepartnerviolence

    6. Dynamic Psychological Therapies. Impact of event scale-revised.

    7. Impact of Events Scale - Revised (IES-R). httpswww.aerztenetz-grafschaft.dedownloadIES-R-englisch-5-stufig

    8. Lash, M., McMorrow, D., Tyler, J., & Antoinette, T. (Eds.). (2004). Training manual for certified brain injury specialists (CBIS). American Academy for the Certification of Brain Injury Specialists, Brain Injury Association of America.

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    1. Starrs, B. (2014). Contact and despair a Gestalt approach to adolescent trauma. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2837

    1. Video lecture on Work with Trauma and Abuse - 228 minute

    1. Quiz on Work with Trauma and Abuse

    1. 30. Work with trauma and abuse • Assessment 117 • Concept Map

    2. 30. Work with trauma and abuse • Assessment 118 • Reflection Form

    3. 30. Work with trauma and abuse • Assessment 119 • Core Readings - Focus summaries / concept maps

About this course

  • $115
  • 110 lessons [17 for the quiz]
  • 4 hours of video content
Steve Vinay Gunther

About the presenter

  • Steve Vinay Gunther
  • Studied Gestalt since 1985
  • Founded Gestalt institutes in Australia, South Korea and China
  • International Gestalt trainer since 2000, teaching in Asia, Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, USA
  • Also trained in Family therapy, Narrative therapy, Somatic therapy, Career Coaching, Family Constellations
  • Practiced and studied meditation since 1973
  • Previous professor of Spiritual Psychology at Ryokan Institute, LA
  • Pioneered the area of relational psychology termed The Unvirtues
  • Designed the Relational Parenting system
  • Father to 5 children and grandfather to 4 boys