Course curriculum

    1. Amida Therapy. Code of ethics. Amida therapy.

    2. Basevi, R., Reid, D., & Godbold, R. (2014). Ethical guidelines and the use of social media and text messaging in health care- a review of literature. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy, 42(2), 68–80.

    3. Behnke, S. H., & Warner, E. (2002). Confidentiality in the treatment of adolescents. American Psychological Association.

    4. Ben-Ari, A., & Somer, E. (2004). The aftermath of therapist-client sex Exploited women struggle with the consequences. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 11, 126-136.

    5. Bird, J. (2000). The Hearts Narrative. Edge Press, Auckland. Excerpts No. 1

    6. Bird, J. (2000). The Hearts Narrative. Edge Press, Auckland. Excerpts No. 2

    7. Broughton, V. Thinking about ethics.

    8. Carroll, M. (2011). Ethical maturity Compasses for life and work decisions - Part 1. Psychotherapy in Australia, 17(3), 3444. Ethical maturity Making ethical decisions - Part II. Psychotherapy in Australia, 17(4), 40-51.

    9. Celenza, A. (2006). Sexual boundary violations in the office When is a couch just a couch? Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 16(1), 113-128.

    10. Celenza, A. (2008). Rehabilitation of sexual boundary transgressors. Psychiatric Times, 25(4), 36-43.

    11. Celenza, A. (2010). The analysts need and desire. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 20(1), 60-69.

    12. Celenza, A. (2010). The guilty pleasure of erotic countertransference Searching for radial true. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 11(4), 175183.

    13. Celenza, A., & Gabbard, G. O. (2007). Analysts who commit sexual boundary violations A lost cause? Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association, 5(4), 483-492.

    14. Cleret, M. (2005). But its different in this case Is there a case for multi-role relationships_ Psychotherapy in Australia, 12(1), 48-55.

    15. DOCS. (2004). Mandatory reporting to DOCS.

    16. Frankel, A. S. Dancing with “the risks”: Safe steps; tricky steps; landmines.

    17. Geistwhite, R. (2000). Inadequacy and indebtedness- No-fee psychotherapy in county training programs. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 9, 142–148.

    18. Godfrey, M., Madill, A., Martin, C., & Meekums, B. (2012). Managing attraction within counselling and psychotherapy practice.

    19. Gottlieb, M. C. (1993). Avoiding exploitative dual relationships- A decision-making model. Psychotherapy, 30(1), 41–48.

    20. Gunther, S.V. (2007). Multiple complexity in relationship.

    21. Hermansson, G. (1997). Boundaries and boundary management in counselling- The never-ending story. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 25(2), 1–21.

    22. House, R., Karian, P, Young, J. (2011). Power, Diversity and Values-Congruent Accountability in the Psychological Therapies: Report on an Emerging Dialogue. Psychotherapy and Politics, Vol 9, No 3, pp 174-187.

    23. Jordan, M., & Marshall, H. (2010). Taking counselling and psychotherapy outside- Destruction or enrichment of the therapeutic frame? European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 12(4), 345–359.

    24. Jordan, M., & Marshall, H. (2010). Taking counselling and psychotherapy outside Destruction or enrichment of the therapeutic frame? European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 12(4), 345359

    25. Knapp, S., Gottlieb, M. C., Handelsman, M. M., VandeCreek, L. D. (2013). The dark side of professional ethics. Professional Psychology Research and Practice, 44(6), 371-377.

    26. MacKay, E., & O'Neill, P. (1992). What creates the dilemma in ethical dilemmas? Examples from psychological practice. Ethics & Behavior, 2(4), 227–244.

    27. Martin, C., Godfrey, M., Meekums, B., & Madill, A. (2011). Managing boundaries under pressure A qualitative study of therapists experiences of sexual attraction in therapy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 11(4), 248-256.

    28. McMahon, M. (1992). Dangerousness, Confidentiality and the Duty to Protect. Australian Psychologist, 27(1), 12-16.

    29. McNulty, N., Ogden, J., & Warren, F. (2013). 'Neutralizing the patient'- Therapists' accounts of sexual boundary violations. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 20(3), 189–198.

    30. Nordmarken, N., & Zur, O. (2007). Home office- When the office is located at the home. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    31. Nordmarken, N., & Zur, O. The professional will- What it is and how to write it. Zur Institute.

    32. Pope, K. S. (1990). Therapist-patient sex as sex abuse- Six scientific, professional, and practical dilemmas in addressing victimization and rehabilitation. Professional Psychology- Research and Practice, 21(4), 227–239.

    33. Radical Honesty Advisory Board. Trainer sexual conduct agreements for radical honesty trainers and trainer candidates. httpswww.radicalhonesty.comtrainer-sexual-conduct-agreements

    34. Pope, K. S., & Tabachnick, B. G. (1993). Therapists' anger, hate, fear, and sexual feelings. Professional Psychology- Research and Practice, 24(2), 142–152.

    35. Skidmore, M. Dual relationships- An Ericksonian perspective.

    36. Slama, K. (2004). Rural culture is a diversity issue. Minnesota Psychologist, 9–13.

    37. Slama, K. M. (2004). Toward rural cultural competence. Minnesota Psychologist, 6–13.

    38. Smith, D. (2003). 10 ways practitioners can avoid frequent ethical pitfalls. httpwww.apa.orgmonitorjan0310ways.html

    39. Szasz, T. S. (1971). The ethics of addiction. The International Journal of Psychiatry, 51-61.

    40. Thomas, J. L. (2002). Bartering. In A. A. Lazarus & O. Zur (Eds.), Dual relationships and psychotherapy (pp. 394–408). Springer Publishing Company.

    41. Totton, N. (2012). Not a tame lion Psychotherapy in a safety-obsessed culture. In Towards professional wisdom Practical deliberation in the people professions. Routledge.

    42. Tudor, K. (2007). Value for money? Issues of fees in counselling and psychotherapy. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 26(4), 477-493.

    43. Tune, D. (2005). Dilemmas concerning the ethical use of touch in psychotherapy. In N. Totton (Ed.), New dimensions in body psychotherapy (pp. 70–83). Open University Press.

    44. Vasquez, M. J. T., Bingham, R. P., & Barnett, J. E. (2008). Psychotherapy termination- Clinical and ethical responsibilities. Journal of Clinical Psychology- In Session, 64(5), 653–665.

    45. Vyskocilova, J., & Prasko, J. (2013). Ethical reflection and psychotherapy. Neuroendocrinology Letter, 34(7), 101-111.

    46. White, M. (2002). Chapter five: Addressing personal failure. In Addressing personal failure(pp. 149-232). Adelaide, Australia: DulwichCentre Publications.

    47. Williams, M. H. (1997). Boundary violations- Do some contended standards of care fail to encompass commonplace procedures of humanistic, behavioral and eclectic psychotherapies? Psychotherapy, 34(3), 238–249.

    48. Williams, M. H. (2003). The curse of risk management. The Independent Practitioner, 23 (4), 202-205.

    49. Wong, P., & Reilly, T. (2017). Frankl’s self-transcendence model and virtue ethics. Dr. Paul Wong.

    50. Younggren, J. N., & Gottlieb, M. C. (2008). Termination and abandonment- History, risk, and risk management. Professional Psychology- Research and Practice, 39(5), 498–504.

    51. Zur, O. (2001). Bartering in Psychotherapy & Counseling Complexities, Case Studies and Guidelines. httpwww.drzur.combartertherapy

    52. Zur, O. (2001). Out-of-Office ExperienceWhen Crossing Office Boundaries and Engaging in DualRelationships are Clinically Beneficial and Ethically Sound. httpswww.zurinstitute.comout-of-office

    53. Zur, O. (2005). Guidelines For Non-Sexual Dual Relationships and Boundaries in Psychotherapy. httpwww.drzur.comdualrelationships

    54. Zur, O. (2005). The standard of care in psychotherapy and counseling- Bringing clarity to an illusive standard. Zur Institute.

    55. Zur, O. (2006). Therapeutic boundaries and dual relationships in rural practice Ethical, clinical and standard of care considerations. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, 9(1), 1-34.

    56. Zur, O. (2007). An ethical decision making process. httpwww.drzur.comonlineethicaldecisions.html

    57. Zur, O. (2007). Beyond the office walls-Home visits, celebrations, adventure therapy, incidental encounters and other encounters outside the office walls. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    58. Zur, O. (2007). Gifts in psychotherapy. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    59. Zur, O. (2007). The risky business of risk management-How risk management guidelines can increase risk and decrease clinical effectiveness. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    60. Zur, O. (2015). Power in Psychotherapy and Counseling. Zur Institute.

    61. Zur, O. Fees in therapy- Summary and guidelines. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    62. Zur, O. Introduction to informed consent in psychotherapy, counseling, and assessment. Dr. Ofer Zur

    63. Zur, O. Reflection on fees in therapy. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    64. Zur, O., & Gonzalez, S. (2002). Multiple relationships in military psychology. In A. A. Lazarus & O. Zur (Eds.), Dual relationships and psychotherapy (pp. 315–328). Springer Publishing Company.

    65. Zur, O., & Lazarus, A. A. (2002). Six arguments against dual relationships and their rebuttals.

    66. Zur, O. (2000). In celebration of dual relationships How prohibition of non-sexual dual relationships increases the chance of exploitation and harm. Independent Practitioner, 20(3), 97-100.

    1. Amendt-Lyon, N. (2008). Gender differences in Gestalt therapy. Gestalt Review, 12(2), 106-143.

    2. Amendt-Lyon, N. (2020). Developing Your Personal Style as a Gestalt Therapist, Gestalt Review, Vol. 24, No. 1, p.60-73

    3. Bernhardtson, L. (2008). Gestalt ethics- A utopia_ Gestalt Review, 12(2), 161-173.

    4. Bloom, D. (2003). Tiger, tiger... - Aesthetic values as clinical values in Gestalt therapy. In Spagnuolo Lobb, M. & Amendt-Lyon, N. (Eds.), Creative license The art of Gestalt therapy (pp. 63–77). Springer.

    5. Bloom, D. (2013). Situated ethics and the ethical world of Gestalt therapy.

    6. Chidiac, M. & Denham-Vaugh, S. (2020). Gestalt, the Good and the concept of Ethical Presence. British Gestalt Journal Vol. 29, No. 1, p.2129

    7. de Almeida, E. F. (1997). Enamourment in psychotherapy.

    8. Doak, J. L. (1997). Mentorship, roadmaps, and the impersonal Cognitive support for the therapuetic process. Gestalt Review, 1(4), 318-330.

    9. Duff, V., Steensen, K. (2023). In conversation. The practice of Gestalt moving outside the therapy room. British Gestalt Journal, Spring 321, pp. 49-57

    10. Duff, V., Steensen, K. (2023). The practice of Gestalt: moving outside the therapy room. British Gestalt Journal, Volume 32.1, pp49-57.

    11. Egumenovska, K. (2018). A shred of revolution The ethics and politics of psychotherapy. Kairos Slovenska Revija za Psihoterapijo, 12(1-2), 125-136.

    12. Feder, B. (2004). Dual relationships A Gestalt therapy perspective. Gestalt Review, 8(2), 135-145.

    13. Fuhr, R. (1992). Beyond contact processes Ethical and existential dimensions in Gestalt therapy. The British Gestalt Journal, 2, 53-60.

    14. Gremmler-Fuhr, M. (2001). Ethic dimensions in Gestalt therapy From a normative to an integral formation of value judgments. Gestalt Review, 5(1), 24-44.

    15. Jacobs, L. (2003). Ethics of context and field The practice of care, inclusion and openness to dialogue. British Gestalt Journal, 12(2), 88-96.

    16. Johnson, R. (2014). Contacting gender. Gestalt Review, 18(3), 207-225.

    17. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2004). Chapter 5 Assessment and diagnosis. In Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (pp. 57-70). Sage Publications.

    18. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2004). Chapter 24 Diversity, culture and ethics. In Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (pp. 57-70). Sage Publications.

    19. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2004). Chapter 1 Preparing for the journey. In Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (pp. 1-15). Sage Publications.

    20. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2004). Chapter 6 Treatment considerations. In Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (pp. 71-82). Sage Publications.

    21. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2004). Chapter 13 Practice issues. In Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (pp. 167-188). Sage Publications.

    22. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2004). Chapter 15 Ending the journey. In Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (pp. 203-213). Sage Publications.

    23. Lee, R. G. (2002). Ethics A Gestalt of valuesThe values of Gestalt A next step. Gestalt Review, 6(1), 27-51.

    24. Melnick, J., Nevis, S. M., & Melnick, G. N. (1994). Therapeutic ethics A Gestalt perspective. The British Gestalt Journal, 1194, 3, 105-113.

    25. Mller, B. (2016). Ethical Paradigm of Gestalt Therapy. How does one acquire a self-determined ethical profile_ Gestalt Today Malta, Vol 1. p.21-83

    26. OShea, L. (2005). Exploring the field of the emerging therapist. Australian Gestalt Journal, 47-61.

    27. Swanson, J. L. (1980). The morality of conscience and the morality of the organism Valuing from the Gestalt point of view. The Gestalt Journal, 3(2), 71-85.

    28. Wheeler, G. (2005). Gestalt Ethics. In Nevis, E. C. (ed) Gestalt therapy Perspectives and applications. Psychological Publishing Co.

    29. White, J. R. (1995). A special case for Gestalt ethics Working with the addict. The Gestalt Journal, 28(2), 35-54.

    1. American Psychological Association. (2002). Comparison of codes of ethics and codes of conduct.

    2. American Psychological Association. (2007). Record keeping guidelines. Massachusetts Psychological Association.

    3. Arvan, A. (2016). The Dark Side of Morality Group Polarization and Moral Epistemology. Published in The Philosophical Forum, httpsonlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi10.1111phil.12213

    4. Barnett, J. E. (1992). Confidentiality- Limits or limitations_ The Maryland Psychologist, 38(1), 10–12.

    5. Barnett, J. E. (1996). Does confidentiality exist_ The Maryland Psychologist, 41(4), 17–20.

    6. Barnett, J. E. (1999). Effective documentation for counselors and psychotherapists- Clinical, ethical, and risk management issues.

    7. Barnett, J. E. (2000). Document this! 42 Online.

    8. Barnett, J. E., & Sanzone, M. M. (1997). Termination- Ethical and legal issues. The Independent Practitioner, 17, 149–151.

    9. Barnett, J. E., MacGlashan, S., & Clark, A. J. (2000). Termination and abandonment- Issues for clinicians.

    10. Barnett, J., & Zur, O. Ethics codes on confidentiality in psychotherapy and counselling. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    11. Barstow, C. (2014). Managing dual role relationships. [Accessed 26.07.18]

    12. Baughey-Gill, S. (2011). When gay was not okay with the APA A historical overview of homosexuality and its status as mental disorder.Occams Razor, 1, 5-16.

    13. Bradley, L. J., & Hendricks, C. B. Ethical issues- Cases, codes, and decisions.

    14. Career Development Association of Australia. (2019). Career development practitioner in private practice - Calculating costs and charges.

    15. Dineen, T. (1998). Selling psychology as science. In Manufacturing victims- What the psychology industry is doing to people (pp. 103–147). Robert Davies Publishing.

    16. Dineen, T. (1998). The rise to power of the psychology industry. In Manufacturing victims- What the psychology industry is doing to people (pp. 233–266). Robert Davies Publishing.

    17. Dineen, T. (1998). Victim-making. In Manufacturing victims- What the psychology industry is doing to people (pp. 37–65). Robert Davies Publishing.

    18. Dineen, T. (2001). Psychological illusions- Professionalism and the abuse of power. Tana Dineen.

    19. Dineen, T. (2002). The psychotherapist and the quest for power- How boundaries have become an obsession.

    20. Fowles, T. B. Until we meet again. httpwww.psychnetuk.comreaders_articlesuntil%20we%20meet%20again

    21. Guilfoyle, M. C. G. (2006). Concealing and revealing power in the therapeutic relationship (dissertation).

    22. Gunther, S. V. (2014). The ethics of ethical regulation- Protecting the practitioner as well as the client. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 12(2), 111–128.

    23. Gunther, S. V. (2015). Alternatives to adversarial processes in the regulation of professional ethics. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 13(3), 217–232.

    24. Gunther, S. V. (2016). Questioning the victim status of complainants in professional ethics investigations. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 14(3), 173–186.

    25. Gunther, S. V. (2017). Justice for professional health practitioners. In J. Evans (Ed.), Restorative and transitional justice- Perspectives, progress and considerations for the future (pp. 25-79). Nova Science Publishers.

    26. Gunther, S. V. (2017). Personal reflections- Ethics. The Knowing Field, 30, 33–40.

    27. Gunther, S. V. (2022). Statement on malpractice. Client handouts.

    28. Gunther, S.V. (2007). Work exchange invoice template.

    29. Irvine, C., Robertson, R., & Clark, B. (2010). Alternative mechanisms for resolving disputes A literature review. Health Professions Council.

    30. Miscellaneous Court Report Templates

    31. Nottingham, E. (2001). Risk managed documentation- What it is and how to do it.

    32. Oswald, R. F., Gebbie, E., & Culton, L. S. Rainbow Illinois- A survey of non-metropolitan lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

    33. Rashid, T., & Anjum, A. (2013). 340 ways to use VIA character strengths.

    34. Rumberg, J. Folding up your shingle- Termination of practice.

    35. Soderlund, J. A century of fees. New therapist magazine.

    36. Sparrow, R. (2021). Why machines cannot be moral. AI & Society, 36, 685-693.

    37. Stamm, B. H., & Rudolph, J. M. (1999). Changing frontiers of health care- Improving rural and remote practice through professional conferencing on the Internet. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, 2(1), 1–3.

    38. Stein, M. (2014). Chapter 13 The problem of ethics. In Minding the Self Jungian meditations on contemporary spirituality (pp. 92-100). Routledge.

    39. Steiner, A. The therapists' professional will- If not now, when_

    40. Systemic Constellations Association of Southern Africa. (2008). Ethical code. Systemic Constellations Association of Southern Africa.

    41. Warrington, J., & Barnett, J. E. (1998). When a practice closes abruptly Ethical issues for clinicians. The Maryland Psychologist, 43(6), 20-21.

    42. Wityk, T. L. (2002). Linking research to educational practice II. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    43. Zur, O. (1994). Psychotherapists and their families. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 13(1), 69–95.

    44. Zur, O. (2003). Taking care of the caretaker- How to avoid psychotherapists’ burnout. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    45. Zur, O. (2005). 53 clinical forms. Dr. Ofer Zur

    46. Zur, O. (2005). Clinical form pertaining to confidentiality. Dr. Ofer Zur.

    47. Zur, O. Record keeping guidelines. Zur Institute.

    1. Aylward, J., Bowman, C., Cole, P., & Feder, B. (2019). Four reflections on a Gestalt peer consultation group. Gestalt Review, 23(2), 97-112.

    2. Beja, V. (2014). A pragmatic perspective on the Gestalt therapy experience. Gestalt Review, 18(1), 54-64.

    3. Gillie, M. & Shackleton, M. (2022). Gestalt Coaching or Gestalt Therapy_ Ethical and Professional Considerations on Entering the Emotional World of the Coaching Client

    4. Hughes G. (2014). The competent Gestalt practitioner. British Gestalt Journa, Vol. 23, No. 1,1926

    1. Video lecture on Ethics and Clinical Practice - 349 minute

    1. Quiz on Ethics and Clinical Practice

    1. 28. Ethics and clinical practice • Assessment 107 • Ethics Agreement - Ethics Agreement

    2. 28. Ethics and clinical practice • Assessment 108 • Essay - Ethics situation

    3. 28. Ethics and clinical practice • Assessment 109 • Essay - Ethics discussion

    4. 28. Ethics and clinical practice • Assessment 110 • Concept Map

    5. 28. Ethics and clinical practice • Assessment 111 • Reflection Form

    6. 28. Ethics and clinical practice • Assessment 112 • Essay - Ethics application

    7. 28. Ethics and clinical practice • Assessment 113 • Core Readings - Focus summaries / concept maps

About this course

  • $175
  • 155 lessons [29 for the quiz]
  • 6 hours of video content
Steve Vinay Gunther

About the presenter

  • Steve Vinay Gunther
  • Studied Gestalt since 1985
  • Founded Gestalt institutes in Australia, South Korea and China
  • International Gestalt trainer since 2000, teaching in Asia, Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, USA
  • Also trained in Family therapy, Narrative therapy, Somatic therapy, Career Coaching, Family Constellations
  • Practiced and studied meditation since 1973
  • Previous professor of Spiritual Psychology at Ryokan Institute, LA
  • Pioneered the area of relational psychology termed The Unvirtues
  • Designed the Relational Parenting system
  • Father to 5 children and grandfather to 4 boys