
Library Structure

    1. Cai Zhonghuai (蔡仲淮) (2012). 完形疗法入门 [Introduction of Gestalt Therapy]北京师范大学。 出版社

    2. Clarkson, P. (2002).完形治疗的实践[Gestalt Counselling in Action](卓纹君,译).心理治疗系列.Vol. 41.心理出版社

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    4. Ginger, S.(金泽).(2009).格式塔疗法.粗輕於艺<La gestalt-L'artdu contact(功](缪小幼,李鸣,译)(第一版).中国轻工业出版社.

    5. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2010). Skills in Gestalt Counseling and Psychotherapy. Psychological Publishing.

    6. Mann, D.(戴维•曼恩)(2017)完形治疗 / 100 个关键点与技巧[Gestalt Therapy-100 Key Points & Techniques]窦东徽,李雪燕,译)(第一版).化学工业出版社.

    7. Najia, R. (1991). Holy Fools Presence and Play with an Introduction to Gestalt. Life Potential Publishing.

    8. Nevis, E. C. (2005). Gestalt Therapy Perspectives and Applications. Psychological Publishing Co.

    9. Oldham, J., Key, T., Starak, Y. (1981). Risking Being Alive. Pit Publishing.

    10. Perls, F. S. (1972). Gestalt Therapy Verbatim.(弗雷德里克皮尔斯)(2020).格式塔治疗实录(吴艳敏,译).南京大学出版社有限公司

    11. Peter Philippson.(彼得•菲^措森)(2021).关系中於冷体[Self in Relation](胡丹,译).南京大学出版社

    12. Polster, E.(埃文■波斯特)(2016).那些被否定的曾经,其实很精彩.完形与疗愈心理学[Every Person's Life is Worth a Novel](伍立恒,译)(第一版).北方妇女儿童出版社

    13. Spagnuolo Lobb, M.玛格丽塔•斯帕尼奥洛2022 朝向未来的此时后现代社会中的格式塔治疗 The Now-For-Next in Psychotherapy. Gestalt Therapy Recounted in Post-Modern Society.

    14. Timothy Leung Yuk Ki (梁玉麒),(2012).生活之道 / 一位完形心理治疗师的悟与思[A Way of Life-Realizations and Thoughts of a Gestalt Therapist](龙迪,译)(第一版).化学工业出版社

    15. Yontef, G.(加里•扬特夫)(2022).格式塔治疗丛书-觉察、对话与过程•格式塔治疗论文集[Awareness, Dialogue, and Process - Essays on Gestalt Therapy]译).南京大学出版社

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    2. Ammanath, V. (2023). Relational Gestalt Therapy in India. Routledge, NY.

    3. Barber, P. (2013). Becoming a Practitioner Researcher A Gestalt Approach to Holistic Inquiry. Libri Publishing.

    4. Batthyny, A. Frankl, V. E. (2010). The Feeling of Meaninglessness a Challenge to Psychotherapy and Philosophy. Marquette Studies in Philosophy 60, Milwaukee.

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    10. Carlisle, F. (2020). The Emotion Solution. Fred Carlisle Media.

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    18. Doubrawa, E. (2016). Touching the Soul in Gestalt Therapy Essays and More. GIK Press.

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    20. Fagan, J., & Shepherd, I. L. (Eds.). (1971). Gestalt Therapy Now Theory, Techniques, Applications. Harper Colophon Books.

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    23. Fantz, R. E. (1998). The Dreamer and the Dream. Gestalt Press.

    24. Francesetti, G. (Ed.). (2015). Absence is the Bridge Between Us Gestalt Therapy Perspectives on Depressive Experiences. Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy.

    25. Frankel, C. (2014). Secrets of the Sex Masters. Mango Garden Press.

    26. Gaie, H. (1990). The red book of Gestalt. Rochester Foundation.

    27. Gaskin, I.M. (2009). Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding. Bantam.

    28. Ginger, S. (2007). Gestalt Therapy The Art of Contact. Karnac.

    29. Francesetti, G., Gecele, M., & Roubal, J. (Eds.). (2013). Gestalt Therapy in Clinical Practice from Psychopathology to the Aesthetics of Contact. Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy.

    30. Haley, J. (1963). Strategies of psychotherapy. Grune & Stratton.

    31. Harris, J. B. (2003). Gestalt A new idiosyncratic introduction. Manchester Gestalt Centre.

    32. Harris, J.B., Philippson, P. (2001). Working with anger in therapy. A Gestalt approach. Manchester Gestalt Centre.

    33. Hirst, S. (2015). Gestalt therapy A brief introduction. Smashwords Edition.

    34. Houston, G. (2003). Brief Gestalt therapy. Sage Publications.

    35. Jacobs, L., & Hycner, R. (2009). Relational approaches in Gestalt therapy. Gestalt Press.

    36. Jarc, J.T. (2018). Teacher as leader a Gestalt pedagogical approach to Career and Technical programs in post secondary education. Dissertation, Creighton University, Omaha, NE.

    37. James, M., & Jongeward, D. (1971). Born to win. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

    38. Joyce, P., & Sills, C. (2014). Skills in Gestalt counselling and psychotherapy. Sage Publications.

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    40. Korb, M. P., Gorrell, J., & Van de Riet, V. (1989). Gestalt therapy Practice and theory. Pergamon Press.

    41. Kolmannskog, V. (2018). The empty chair Tales from Gestalt therapy. Routledge.

    42. Leary-Joyce, J. (2014). The fertile void Gestalt coaching at work. AOEC Press.

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    44. Latner, J. (1976). The Gestalt therapy book. The Gestalt Journal Press.

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    47. Mackewn, J. (1997). Developing Gestalt counselling. Sage Publications.

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Steve Vinay Gunther

About the presenter

  • Steve Vinay Gunther
  • Studied Gestalt since 1985
  • Founded Gestalt institutes in Australia, South Korea and China
  • International Gestalt trainer since 2000, teaching in Asia, Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, USA
  • Also trained in Family therapy, Narrative therapy, Somatic therapy, Career Coaching, Family Constellations
  • Practiced and studied meditation since 1973
  • Previous professor of Spiritual Psychology at Ryokan Institute, LA
  • Pioneered the area of relational psychology termed The Unvirtues
  • Designed the Relational Parenting system
  • Father to 5 children and grandfather to 4 boys