Unit Objectives
"Understand the theory of dialogue in Gestalt.Be able to enter into I-thou dialogue.Be able to make appropriate self-revelations.Be able to attend to the between"
Understanding Theory
Martin Buber, history Aspects of dialogue: , Presence, Inclusion, Lived, Commitment, Confirmation, Link to phenomenology, Theory of contact in relationship, Describe/define concepts within dialogical therapy and understand core relatedness to field theory, Healing through meeting, Tear and repair process
Personal Development
Able to establish strong presence, Willingness to take personal risks in relationship, Ability to be non-judgmental, Non-defensive stance, Ability to make ‘I’ statements, Respectful, Warm and caring, Commitment to dialogue, Able to differentiate between I-it and I-thou contact, Humility
Practice Skills
Able to start with the client’s experience,Able to include oneself into the experience of the other,Able to accept other as they are,Allow the relationship to develop without overly controlling or making it happen (commitment),Respond to the figural images of relating (lived),Able to confirm the reality and existence of the client,Able to track the ongoing awareness and meaning attribution of the client,Facilitate I and Thou dialogue,Ability to share own experience: Relevant self revelation and vulnerability to client while maintaining appropriate boundaries,Note the contact boundaries of the client and therapist and feedback as appropriate,To discern contact disruption and track, focus awareness and experiment with these disruptions in contact,Allow client to be responsible for self,Respect client as expert on self,Match awareness and contact process to client,Attend to self, other and the ‘between’,Work with intrapsychic dialogue,Discern the syntax of healthy and disrupted contact episodes and feedback as appropriate,Able to practice inclusion: 'imagining the real',Able to notice tears in relationship