Course curriculum

    1. Bazzano, M. (2009). Brave new worlding. Existential Analysis, 20(1), 1–17.

    2. Carroll, R. (2014). Four relational modes of attending to the body in psychotherapy. In K. White (Ed.), Talking bodies - How do we integrate working with the body in psychotherapy from an attachment and relational perspective_ (pp. 11–39). Routledge.

    3. Cissna, K. N., & Anderson, R. (1998). Theorizing about dialogic moments The Buber-Rogers position and postmodern themes. Communication Theory, 8(1), 63-104.

    4. Furlong, M. (2013). Calling to the client as a relational being. Psychotherapy in Australia, 19(3), 68–75.

    5. Garcia, A. F. (2015). Beyond Theory Martin Bubers I and Thou and the Role of Contemplation in Integrated Relational Counseling. Journal of creativity in mental health 10.4 423438

    6. Gibson, M. F. (2012). Opening up - Therapist self-disclosure in theory, research, and practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 40(3), 287–296.

    7. Hellinger, B. (2006). Helping in Harmony. www.hellingerschule.comindexFrameB

    8. Leahy, R. L. (2013). Schematic mismatch in the therapeutic relationship - A social-cognitive model. Psychotherapy in Australia, 19(2), 68–80.

    9. Lundh, L. (2017). Relation and technique in psychotherapy - Two partly overlapping categories. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 1–20.

    10. Nooteboom. B. (2021). Dialogue and strategic communication. Academic Letters, article 1809. httpswww.academia.edu49882416Dialogue_and_stategic_communication

    11. Shaw, E. (2012). The place for judgement in postmodern clinical practice. Psychotherapy in Australia, 19(1), 28–34.

    12. Soth, M. (2006). How 'the wound' enters the room and the relationship. Therapy Today, December

    13. Spinelli, E. (2002). The therapeutic relationship as viewed by existential psychotherapy Re-embracing the world. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 32(1), 111-118.

    14. Spinelli, E. (2003). The mirror and the hammer Some hestitant steps towards a more humane psychotherapy. Psychotherapy in Australia, 4(2), 21-26.

    15. Spinelli, E. (2008). The therapeutic relationship The existential approach. In S. Hough & S. Paul (Eds.), The therapeutic relationship Perspectives and themes (pp. 5164). Hay-on-Wye PCCS Books.

    16. Totton, N. (2012). Not a tame lion - Psychotherapy in a safety-obsessed culture. In L. Bondi, D. Carr, C. Clark, & C. Clegg (Eds.), Towards professional wisdom - Practical deliberation in the people professions (pp. 1–9). Routledge.

    17. True I-Thou - Wanda Bullard

    1. Beja, V., Belasco, F. (2022). The secret longing a relational compass in a field perspective. Gestalt Review, Vol 261 p.34-49

    2. Bloom. D. (2011). Relational approaches in Gestalt therapy. Gestalt Review, 15(3), 296-311.

    3. Brown, J. (1980). Buber and Gestalt. The Gestalt Journal, 3(2), 47-56.

    4. Buber, M. (1950). Part I. In I and thou (pp. 1-34). T. & T. Clark.

    5. Chidiac, M., & Denham-Vaughan, S. (2018). Presence for everyone- A dialogue. Gestalt Review, 22(1), 35-49.

    6. Clarkson, P. (1995). Chapter 1 A multiplicity of relationships in psychotherapy. In The therapeutic relationship In psychoanalysis, counselling psychology and psychotherapy (pp. 6-22). Whurr Publishers.

    7. Daniels, V. (2011). Dimensions of dialogues: their forms and uses. In: Continuity and Change: Gestalt Therapy Now. Bloom, D, Brownell, P (Eds). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

    8. Francasetti, G., Roubal, J. (2020). Field theory in contemporary Gestalt therapy Part one Modulating the therapists presence. The Gestalt Review, 242 p.113-116.asp

    9. Friedman, M. (1990). Dialogue, philosophical anthropology, and Gestalt therapy. The Gestalt Journal, 13(1), 7-40.

    10. Huston, J. (1998). Mr Tayer. Available: https: // [Accessed 15.03.24]

    11. Hycner, R. & Jacobs, L. (1995). The Dialogic Ground. The Healing Relationship in Gestalt Therapy Dialogic Self Psychology Approach. The Gestalt Journal Press, New York. Pp. 329.

    12. Hycner, R. (1991). Chapter 4 Toward a dialogical psychotherapy. In Between person and person (pp. 4759). The Gestalt Journal Press.

    13. Hycner, R. (1991). Chapter 8 Entering the world of the client. In Between person and person (pp. 119-137). The Gestalt Journal Press.

    14. Hycner, R. H. (1985). Dialogical Gestalt therapy An initial proposal. The Gestalt Journal, 8(1), 23-49.

    15. Jacobs, L. (1989). Dialogue in Gestalt theory and therapy. The Gestalt Journal, 12(1), 25-67.

    16. Jacobs, L. (1998). Transcript of a lecture-discussion. Pacific Gestalt Institute.

    17. Jacobs, L. (2005). The inevitable intersubjectivity of selfhood. International Gestalt Journal, 28(1), 43–70.

    18. Jacobs, L. (2017). Hopes, fears, and enduring relational themes. British Gestalt Journal, 26(1), 7–16.

    19. Joyce, P. & Sills, C. (2014). Chapter 4 The therapeutic relationship. In Skills in Gestalt counselling & psychotherapy (pp. 43-52). Sage Publications.

    20. Klepner, P. (1999). Exploring intimacy A Gestalt therapy approach. The Gestalt Journal, 22(2), 31-64.

    21. Korb, M. P. (1988). The numinous ground I-thou in Gestalt work. The Gestalt Journal, 11(1), 97-106.

    22. Neville, M. G. (2008). When poor is rich- Transformative power of I-thou relationships in a Brazilian favela. Gestalt Review, 12(3), 248-266.

    23. OLeary, E. (1997). Confluence versus empathy. The Gestalt Journal, 20(1), 137-153.

    24. Strawman, S. (2008). Relational Gestalt Four waves. Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zealand, 4(2), 3755.

    25. Suurmond, J. J. (1999). Beyond Buber Gestalt therapy in the light of levinas. The Gestalt Journal, 22(1), 65-87.

    26. Yontef, G. (1993). Chapter 7 Gestalt therapy A dialogic method. In Awareness, dialogue and process Essays on Gestalt therapy (pp. 202-237). New York, NY The Gestalt Journal Press.

    27. Zahm, S. (1998). Therapist self disclosure in the practice of Gestalt therapy. The Gestalt Journal, 21(2), 2150.

    1. Anderson, A. (2001).Postmodern collaborative and person-centred therapies what would Carl Rogers say_ Journal of Family Therapy 23 33936

    2. Angus, C. C. (2000). Chapter 8 - The dialogal approach to psychopathology and the implications for psychotherapy.

    3. Bird, J. (2003). Relational Enquiry notes. From The Hearts Narrative, Edge Press, New Zealand.

    4. Cissna, K. N., & Anderson, R. (1997). Carl Rogers in dialogue with Martin Buber A new analysis. The Person-Centered Journal, 4, 413.

    5. Cissna, K. N., & Anderson, R. (1998). Theorizing about dialogic moments - The Buber‐Rogers position and postmodern themes. Communication Theory, 8(1), 63–104.

    6. Hanson, J. (2003). Coming out - Therapist self-disclosure as a therapeutic technique, with specific application to sexual minority populations

    7. Kohlrieser, G. (2006). The power of authentic dialogue. Leader to Leader, (42), 36–40.

    8. Krug, O. T. (2009). James Bugental and Irvin Yalom Two masters of existential therapy cultivate presence in the therapeutic encounter. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 49(3), 329-354.

    9. Levitt, H. M., Minami, T., Greenspan, S. B., Puckett, J. A., Henretty, J. R., Reich, C. M., & Berman, J. S. (2015). How therapist self-disclosure relates to alliance and outcomes - A naturalistic study. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 1–22.

    10. Lipari, L. (2004). Listening for the other - Ethical implications of the Buber-Levinas encounter . Communication Theory, 14(2), 122–141.

    11. Mahalik, J. R., Van Ormer, E. A., &; Simi, N. L. (2000). Ethical issues in using self-disclosure in feminist therapy. In M. M. Brabeck (Ed.), Practicing feminist ethics in psychology (pp. 189–201). American Psychological Association.

    12. Silberschatz, G. (2012). Transformative processes in psychotherapy - How patients work in therapy to overcome their problems. Psychotherapy in Australia, 18(4), 30–35.

    13. Soth, M. (2013). We are all relational, but are some more relational than others_ Completing the paradigm shift toward relationality. Transactional Analysis Journal, 43(2), 122–137.

    14. Spinelli, E. (2006). The value of relatedness in existential psychotherapy and phenomenological enquiry. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 6(1), 1-8.

    15. Malinen, T. (2004). The wisdom of not knowinga conversation with Harlene Anderson. Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol. 232

    16. Zur, O., & Wolz, B. (2007). Self-disclosure - What films and movies can teach psychotherapists about therapist's self-disclosure in psychotherapy and counseling.

    1. Bloom, D. (2016). The relational function of self - Self functioning of the most human plane. In J. Robine (Ed.), Self - A polyphony of contemporary Gestalt therapists (pp. 1–25). L’Exprimerie.

    2. Jacobs, L. (1998). Optimal responsiveness and intersubjectivity theory - Subject-subject relating. In H. A. Bacal (Ed.), Optimal responsiveness - How therapists heal their patients (pp. 1–16). essay, Jason Aronson.

    3. Jacobs, L. (2001). Pathways to a relational worldview. In M. R. Goldfried (Ed.), How therapists change - Personal and professional reflections (pp. 1–20). essay, American Psychological Association.

    4. Jacobs, L. (2008). From the couch - Trauma and recovery after analytic impingement. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 2(4), 405–422.

    5. Jacobs, L. (2009). From selfobjects to dialogue - A journey through the intersubjective field. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1159(1), 106–121.

    6. OMalley, C. (2018). Coming out in appreciation time to integrate appreciation into clinical praxis_ New Gestalt Voices Vol 2

    7. Resnick, R. W., & Spagnuolo Lobb, M. (2018). The presence of the Gestalt therapist in the field Dialogue on Isadore Froms lesson. New York, August 11th. Istituto di Gestalt H.C.C. Italy.

    8. Stawman, S. (2011). Empathy and understanding phenomenology andhermeneutics in relational Gestalt psychotherapy. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, 513

    1. Video lecture on I-Thou - 139 minute

    1. Quiz on I-Thou and Relationality

    1. 9. I-Thou and Relationality • Assessment 33 • Concept Map

    2. 9. I-Thou and Relationality • Assessment 34 • Reflection Form

    3. 9. I-Thou and Relationality • Assessment 35 • Core Readings - Focus summaries / concept maps

    4. 9. I-Thou and Relationality • Assessment 36 • Essay - Efficacy and Relationship

About this course

  • $70
  • 74 lessons [27 for the quiz]
  • 2.5 hours of video content
Steve Vinay Gunther

About the presenter

  • Steve Vinay Gunther
  • Studied Gestalt since 1985
  • Founded Gestalt institutes in Australia, South Korea and China
  • International Gestalt trainer since 2000, teaching in Asia, Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, USA
  • Also trained in Family therapy, Narrative therapy, Somatic therapy, Career Coaching, Family Constellations
  • Practiced and studied meditation since 1973
  • Previous professor of Spiritual Psychology at Ryokan Institute, LA
  • Pioneered the area of relational psychology termed The Unvirtues
  • Designed the Relational Parenting system
  • Father to 5 children and grandfather to 4 boys