Course curriculum

    1. Alberts, H. J. E. M. (2016). The sailboat. Maastricht Positive Psychology Program. httpspositivepsychology.comwp-contentuploadsThe-Sailboat.pdf.

    2. Book Therapy. Bibliotherapy resources. httpswww.booktherapy.iopagesbibliotherapy-resources

    3. Burns, G. (2001). The octopus that helped cure a phobia Using healing stories in therapy. Psychotherapy in Australia, 8(1), 48-50.

    4. Cox, M., & Theilgaard, A. (1997). Chapter 1 - The story. In Mutative metaphors in psychotherapy - The Aeolian mode (pp. 1–21). Jessica Kingsley.

    5. Eberts, S., & Homeyer, L. (2015). Processing sand trays from two theoretical perspectives Gestalt and Adlerian. International Journal of Play Therapy, 24(3), 134-150.

    6. Helm Meade, E (1995). Tell it by HeartWomen and the Healing Power of Story. Open Court Publishing, NY.

    7. Levine, P. (1997). Waking the tiger Healing trauma. North Atlantic, Berkely, pp 236-245.

    8. Olney, D. Dick Olney on Eidetic Imagery. Northern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis Society.

    9. Roberts, S. (1987). Therapeutic Metaphors A Counselling Technique. J.A.R.A., 20, 61-72.

    10. Wickman, A., Daniels, M., White, L., and Fesmire, S. (1999). A Primer in Conceptual Metaphor for counsellors. Journal of counselling and development, 77, 389-394

    1. Edwards, D.J.A. (1988). Cognitive restructuring through guided imagery Lessons from Gestalt therapy. In Freeman, A. Simon, K.M., Butler, L.E. & Arkowitz, J. (eds). Comprehensive Handbook of Cognitive Therapies. Plenum Press, NY.

    2. Fantz, R. E. (1983). The use of metaphor and fantasy as an additional exploration of awareness. The Gestalt Journal, 6(2), 28-33.

    3. Lichaw, D. (2020). Using Story as Part of a Gestalt Coaching Practice. Gestalt Review, Vol. 24, No. 1,p.92-99

    4. Mortola, P. (1999). Narrative formation and Gestalt closure Helping clients make sense of disequilibrium through stories in the therapeutic setting. Gestalt Review, 3(4), 308-320.

    5. Skolnik, T. (1994). Paradigms, beliefs, and causality. The Gestalt Journal, 17(2), 63-91.

    6. Timm, N., & Garza, Y. (2017). Beyond the miniatures Using Gestalt theory in sandtray processing. Gestalt Review, 21(1), 44-55.

    1. Lyddon, W. J., Clay, A. L., & Sparks, C. L. (2001). Metaphor and change in counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79, 269–273.

    2. McNeilly, R. (2020). An easy guide to easy hypnosis.

    3. OHanlon, B. Metaphors be with you Using stories for a change. How to tell a compelling story and help people change. httpswww.billohanlon.org_filesugdfa415b_557c60190f974b5b81f69211d1309778

    4. Tompkins, P., Sullivan, W., & Lawley, J. (2005). Tangled spaghetti in my head Making use of metaphor. The Clean Collection.

    1. Bar-Yoseph, T., Alon, N. (1991). Gestalt and hypnosis. The British Gestalt Journal, Vol12, pp82-86.

    2. Olney, D. (1990). The achiever holds back. Available httpsaliveandreal.comEidetic_ImageryOscillations.html Accessed 25.02.23

    3. Polster, E. (2020). Enchantment The Secret Ally of Psychotherapy. Gestalt Review, Vol. 24 No 1, p.1-13

    1. Video lecture on Middle Zone, Metaphor, Fantasy and Story - 1 hour 11 minute

    1. 13. Middle Zone, metaphor, fantasy and story • Assessment 48 • Concept Map

    2. 13. Middle Zone, metaphor, fantasy and story • Assessment 49 • Reflection Form

    3. 13. Middle Zone, metaphor, fantasy and story • Assessment 50 • Core Readings - Focus summaries / concept maps

About this course

  • $35
  • 27 lessons [16 for the quiz]
  • 1 hour of video content
Steve Vinay Gunther

About the presenter

  • Steve Vinay Gunther
  • Studied Gestalt since 1985
  • Founded Gestalt institutes in Australia, South Korea and China
  • International Gestalt trainer since 2000, teaching in Asia, Egypt, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, USA
  • Also trained in Family therapy, Narrative therapy, Somatic therapy, Career Coaching, Family Constellations
  • Practiced and studied meditation since 1973
  • Previous professor of Spiritual Psychology at Ryokan Institute, LA
  • Pioneered the area of relational psychology termed The Unvirtues
  • Designed the Relational Parenting system
  • Father to 5 children and grandfather to 4 boys