Course curriculum

    1. Gregory, J. (2018). Chapter 3 The way of the Tao is harmony. In Effortless living Wu-Wei and the spontaneous state of natural harmony (pp. 1-16). Inner Traditions.

    2. Oppland, M. (2020). 8 ways to create flow according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Positive Psychology. httpspositivepsychology.commihaly-csikszentmihalyi-father-of-flow.

    3. Watts, A. (2019). The Taoist way (audio).

    4. Watts, A. (2019). The Taoist way (transcript). Alan Watts Organization. httpsalanwatts.org1-2-9-taoist-way-pt-1

    5. Wright, M. D. (2002). Cybernetics and the Tao of family therapy. Oklahoma Baptist University.

    1. Brownell, P. (2009). Executive functions- A neuropsychological understanding of self-regulation. Gestalt Review, 13(1), 62-81.

    2. Chew-Helbig, N. (2017). The Psychotherapeutic Alliance and Change A discussion on the healing aspects in a psychotherapeutic relationship Thesis, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna

    3. Chew-Helbig, N. (2019). Analyzing a Gestalt Psychotherapy Session Using the Helbig Method of Dialogue Analysis (HELDA). Masters dissertation, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna.

    4. Chidiac, M.A, Denham-Vaughan, S. (2007). The process of presence energetic availablility and fluid responnsiveness. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, 9-19

    5. GO Center. (2021). The influence of Tao, zen and Buddhism on Gestalt coaching. httpswww.linkedin.compulseinfluence-tao-zen-buddhism-gestalt-coaching-go-center

    6. Kalender, L. (1987). The Theory of Gestalt Therapy in a Nutshell.

    7. Kenofer, B. (2010). Developing the concept of the organisimic need. Gestalt Review, 14(1), 54-70.

    8. Lewis, R. (2019). The art of doing nothing. New Gestalt Voices Vol 5. p.47-59

    1. Video lecture on Organismic Self Regulation - 52 minute

    1. Quiz on Organismic Self Regulation

    1. 8. Organismic Self Regulation • Assessment 30 • Concept Map

    2. 8. Organismic Self Regulation • Assessment 31 • Reflection Form

    3. 8. Organismic Self Regulation • Assessment 32 • Core Readings - Focus summaries / concept maps

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content