Course curriculum

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    3. Bhatia, S. (2020). Decolonizing psychology Power, citizenship, and identity. Psychoanalysis, Self and Context, 15(3), 257-266.

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    24. Miller, E. (2002). Designing freedom, regulating a nation Socialist cybernetics in Allendes Chile. Program in Science, Technology, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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    26. Peavey, F. (1999). Strategic questioning for personal and social change. www.crabgrass.orgstrategic

    27. Peterson, J., & Nisenholz, B. (1987). Chapter 3 Focus on the responsibility of the counselor in the greater society. In Orientation to counselling. Simon and Schuster.

    28. Public Conversations Project. (2004).PCP dialogue toolbox Designing, facilitating and following-up dialouges.

    29. Ratner, C. (1998). Historical and contemporary significance of Vygotsky's sociohistorical psychology. In R. W. Rieber & K. Salzinger (Eds.), Psychology Theoretical-historical perspectives (pp. 455473). American Psychological Association.

    30. Riegel, K. (1976). The dialetics of human development. American Psychologist, 689-700.

    31. Roth, S., Chasin, L., Shasin, R., Becker, C., & Herzig, M. (1992). From debate to dialogue A facilitating role for family therapists in the public forum. Dulwich Centre Newsletter, No 2.

    32. Sheean, L. (2004). Inner and outer worlds and the tension in between An interview with Andrew Samuels. Psychotherapy in Australia, 11(1), 22-25.

    33. Steiner, C. (1978). Cooperation. In Readings in radical psychiatry (pp. 28-42). GroveAtlantic.

    34. Steiner, C. (1978). Rescue. In Readings in radical psychiatry (pp. 43-63). GroveAtlantic.

    35. Taylor, M. (2023). The ecological self: narratives for changing times. British Gestalt Journal, Volume 32.1, pp39-48.

    36. The Co-intelligence Institute. Public conversations project.

    37. Weinrach, S., & Thomas, K. (1998). Diversity-sensitive counseling today A postmodern clash of balues. Journal of Counseling & Development, 76, 115-121.

    38. Womens Theological Center. Getting to the heart of the matter A multidimensional tool for inquiry. Tools for Change Institute.

    39. Wong, P. Theatre for social change and development.

    40. Zur, O. (2006). Resurrecting the village. httpwww.drzur.comvillageformentallyill

    1. Amarshi, A. (2020). Working With Racial Oppression In Gestalt Therapy. New Voices Vol 6

    2. Aylward, J. (1999). The contributions of Paul Goodman to the clinical, social, and political implications of boundary disturbances. Gestalt Review, 3(2), 107-118.

    3. Bednarek, S. (2018). How wide is the field_ Gestalt therapy, capitalism and the natural world. British Gestalt Journal, 27(2), 8-17.

    4. Brown, J., Lichtenberg, P., Lukensmeyer, C., Miller, M. V., & Polster, E. (1993). The implications of Gestalt therapy for social and political change. Gestalt Journal, 16(1), 754.

    5. Cahalan, W. (1995). The Earth is our real body Cultivating ecological groundedness in Gestalt therapy. Gestalt Journal, 18(1), 87113.

    6. Chidiac, M.A. (2023). Fields of power the moderation of relational moments. British Gestalt Journal, Spring 321, pp. 8-31

    7. Ciornai, S. (1996). The importance of the background in Gestalt therapy. The Gestalt Journal, 28(2), 7-31.

    8. Copsey, N. (1999). An experiment in community psychotherapy. Gestalt Review, 3(4), 285-300.

    9. de la Motte, L. (2014). A critical analysis of therapeutic processes with adolescents in wilderness therapy programs.

    10. de la Motte-Hall, L. (2015). Gestalt therapy and ecotherapy The growing field of practice - A literature review. Gestalt Therapy Sydney.

    11. Desmond, B. (2016). Sustainability in a fragile ecological era- A Gestalt therapist's response. Gestalt Review, 20(1), 33-47.

    12. Doubrawa, E. (2020). The politics of the I-thou. The Gestalt Journal, 28(1), 19-37.

    13. Fernbacher, S., & Plummer, D. (2005). Cultural influences and considerations in Gestalt therapy. In A. L. Woldt & S. M. Toman (Eds.), Gestalt therapy History, theory, and practice (pp. 117132). Sage Publications.

    14. Frew, J. (2016). Gestalt therapy- Creatively adjusting in an increasingly diverse world. Gestalt Review, 20(2), 106-128.

    15. Holl, K. (2003). Philosophical anarchism as a source of Gestalt therapy Its importance for therapeutic practice and for orientation in the political field. International Gestalt Journal, 26(2), 47-70.

    16. Houston, G. (2015). Intergroup hostility and Gestalt therapy. Gestalt Review, 19(3), 224-232.

    17. Jacobs, L. (2005). For whites only. In Bar-Yoseph (Ed.), Making a difference - The bridging of cultural diversity (pp. 1-20). Gestalt Institute Press.

    18. Jacobs, L. (2016). Dialogue and double consciousness- Lessons in power and humility. Gestalt Review, 20(2), 147-161.

    19. Jacobs, L. M. (2014). Learning to love White shame and guilt Skills for working as a White therapist in a racially divided country. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 9(4), 297-312.

    20. Jordan, C. G., & Ewing, H. T. (2016). Diversity and inclusion concepts and practice as informed by Gestalt training. Gestalt Review, 20(2), 188-200.

    21. Kato, J. (2014). Experiences from a multicultural eld a Gestalt perspective on work in detention centres. British Gestalt, Vol. 23, No. 1, 13-18

    22. Keenan, B. (2011). Community and confluence- Undoing the clinch of oppression (1990_1994_2002). Gestalt Review, 15(1), 46-58.

    23. Lazarin, B. (2019). Identity house and a Gestalt experiment revisited. Gestalt Review, 23(3), 282-291.

    24. Melnick, J. (2015). Introduction. In G. Klaren, N. Levi, & I. Vidakovic (Eds.), Yes We Care! Social, Political and Cultural Relationships as Therapys Ground, A Gestalt Perspective (pp. 6-13).

    25. Neville, M. G. (2008). When poor is rich- Transformative power of I-thou relationships in a Brazilian favela. Gestalt Review, 12(3), 248-266.

    26. Hardy, N.R, Fisher, A.R. (2018). Attachment Versus Differentiation The Contemporary Couple Therapy Debate. Family Process

    27. Parlett, M. (2000). Creative adjustment and the global field. Brisith Gestalt Journal, 9(1), 15-27.

    28. Philippson, P. (1999). Cultural action for freedom Paulo Freire as Gestaltist. Gestalt Review, 3(3), 251-258.

    29. Plummer, D. L. (2016). Racial identity resolution process- A Gestalt perspective. Gestalt Review, 20(2), 129-146.

    30. Plummer, D. L. (2019). The instrumental self as an agent of respect. Gestalt Review, 23(3), 213-231.

    31. Rosca, V. I. (2020). Implications of Lewins field theory on social change. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Business Excellence, Sciendo, 14(1), 617-625.

    32. Roszak, T. (1995). The greening of psychology Exploring the ecological unconscious. The Gestalt Journal, 18(1), 9-46.

    33. Rush, A. (2007). Eating the field Human relationships with nature. Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zealand, 3(2), 27-40.

    34. Saner, R., & Yiu, L. (2002). Porous boundary and power politics Contextual constraints of organisation development change projects in United Nations organisations. Gestalt Review, 6(2), 84-94.

    35. Schulthess, P. (2003). Gestalt therapy and politics. British Gestalt Journal, 12(1), 62-66.

    36. Serok, S., & Levi, N. (2002). An experiment in integration and co-existence of the Jewish population in Israel. International Gestalt Journal, 25(1), 93-107.

    37. Stoehr, T. (1993). Paul Goodman and the political dimensions of Gestalt therapy. The Gestalt Journal, 26(1), 55-90.

    38. Swanson, J. L. (1995). The call for Gestalts contribution to ecopsychology Figuring in the environmental field. The Gestalt Journal, 28(1), 47-85.

    39. Taylor, M. (2023). The ecological self narratives for changing times. British Gestalt Journal, Spring 321, pp. 39-48

    40. Ullman, D. (2011). Mending the world- Social healing interventions by Gestalt practitioners worldwide (2009). Gestalt Review, 15(2), 132-143.

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    2. Barstow, C. (2006). Right use of power The heart of ethics. The USA Body Psychotherapy Journal, 5(2), 52-56.

    3. Barstow, C. (2008). The power differential and the power paradox Staying in right relationship. Hakomi Forum, (19-21), 54-62.

    4. Barstow, C. (2015). Foundational values for the right use of power. Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.

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    6. Bolstad, R., & Hamblett, M. How can we solve this_ Transformations NLP Consulting and Training.

    7. Brown, J., & Bennett, S. (1995). Mindshift Strategic dialogue for breakthrough thinking. In S. Chawla & J. Renesch (eds.), Learning organizations Developing cultures for tomorrows workplace (pp. 167-183).Portland, OR Productivity Press.

    8. Cloke, K. (2020). 50 questions you can ask friends and relatives in political arguments.

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    11. Diamond, L. (2009). Twelve simple rules of systems thinking for complex global issues. Global Systems Initiative.

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    15. Ganesh, S., & Zoller, H. M. (2012). Dialogue, activism, and democratic social change. Communication Theory, 22, 66-91.

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    2. Barber, P. (2006). Excerpted from Keeping psychotherapy trainees in their place How training institutions can stifle love and breed compliance. International Gestalt Journal.

    3. Chidiac, M.A & Denham-Vaughan, S. (2009). An organisational self applying the concept of self to groups and organisations. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, 42-49

    4. Chidiac, M.A, Denham-Vaughan, S. (2013). SOS a relational orientation towards social includion. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Vol 172 p100-107

    5. Fairfield, M. (2013). The relational movement. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2235

    6. Gaynier, L. P. (2003). In search of a theory of practice What does Gestalt have to offer the field of meditation? Gestalt Review, 7(3), 180-197.

    7. Gillespie, J. (2020). Against Therapy A radical critique of therapy as an appropriate gestalt response to current eld conditions. And what comes next...New Gestalt Voices Vol 6

    8. Gillespie, J. (2021). Power and Position is it time to moderate gestalt's phenomenological imperialism in favour of a more eld humble view of self? New Voices Vol 7

    9. Hosemans, D. (2020). Relational Gestalt therapy as a potential psychology of liberation from oppressive social forces. British Gestalt Journal Vol. 29, No. 1, p.37-43

    10. Jacobs, L. (2016). Dialogue and double consciousness Lessons in power and humility. Gestalt Review, 20(2), 146-161.

    11. Jacobs, L. (2016). Racializing Kohuts guilty man and tragic man Serious play in the services of inclusiveness. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 11(4), 340-348.

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    13. Lichtenberg, P. (2011). The collective silence- German identity and the legacy of shame (1988-1993). Gestalt Review, 15(1), 37-45.

    14. Lichtenberg, P. and Gray, C. (2006). Awareness, contacting and the promotion of democratic egalitarian social life. British Gestalt Journal, Vol.l5, No 2, 20-27

    15. Melnick, J. (2017). A Gestalt approach to social change. British Gestalt Journal, Vol. 26, No.1, 1727

    16. Melnick, J., & Nevis, S. M. (2010). Contempt. Gestalt Review, 14(3), 215-231.

    17. Metzger, E. (2008). Interpersonal conflicts- Where Gestalt therapy meets mediation. Gestalt Review, 12(2), 174-184.

    18. OKoon B., LaRue G, Dixon J., & Ziegler P.. (2018). Staying with ubiquitous shamereflections on internalized oppression from a Gestalt perspectiveNew Gestalt Voices Vol 2, p.71-77

    19. Phillips, G. (2004). The personal is political As within So without. GANZ conference.

    20. Reifman, B. (1999). Gestalt principles in the courtroom An interview with Judge Joyce Wheeler. Gestalt Review, 3(4), 275-284.

    21. Roberts, A. (2002). Discernment and decision-making. Australian Gestalt Journal, 6(1), 65-73.

    22. Spagnuolo Lobb, M. (2016). Psychotherapy in Postmodern Society a Social Tool to Support Human Resources of the Time. Gestalt Today Malta, Vol 1. p.97-113

    23. Spagnuolo Lobb, M. (2018). Therapeutic challenges in the contemporary world. Gestalt therapy out of its bubble. An interview with Malcom Parlett. Istituto di Gestalt H.C.C. Italy.

    24. Spagnuolo Lobb, M. (2019). From guilt to fallibilism: Overcoming the narcissistic position with the aesthetic attitude. Comment to My other’s keeper. Resources for the ethical turn in psychotherapy by D. M. Orange. Istituto di Gestalt H.C.C. Italy.

    25. Spagnuolo Lobb, M. (2021). Living in a 50 degrees environment. The UK Association of Gestalt Practitioners Newsletter.

    26. Spagnuolo Lobb, M., Bloom, D., Roubal, J., Djoric, J. Z., Cannavo, M., La Rosa, R., Tosi, S., & Pinna, V. (Eds.) (2018). The aesthetic of otherness Meeting at the boundary in a desensitized world Proceedings. Instituto di Gestalt HCC Italy.

    27. Tarrason, D. C. (2021). Agoratherapy - Bringing Gestalt into the Squares. New Voices Vol 7

    28. Titus, E. E. (1980). Teaching environmental psychology Perception as a door to other realities. The Gestalt Journal, 3(1), 137-143.

    29. Wheeler, G. (2008). The age of complexity- Paul Goodman in the 21st century- A critical assessment. Gestalt Review, 12(3), 206-228.

    1. Video lecture on Gestalt and The Larger Ecology - 374 minute

    1. Quiz on Gestalt and The Larger Ecology

About this course

  • $185.00
  • 159 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content