All Sessions Bundle
All 34 units, including all video lectures, readings and quizzes. A complete Gestalt curriculum, priced at a 30% discount.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
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Introducing Gestalt! A broad overview including historical context, contemporary developments, and the ‘Four Pillars’ - Phenomenology, Field Theory, Dialogue, and Experiment.
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Fritz Perls said, Gestalt = Now = Awareness. We explore the Three Zones, the Awareness Cycle, and the contributions of Gestalt Psychology through Figure / Ground. The concept of Unfinished Business is related to incomplete Gestalten, which naturally
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The roots of Gestalt derive from Jan Smuts and the Gestalt psychologists who pioneered holism. Kurt Lewin developed Field Theory - now a central pillar of Gestalt Therapy. We explore this topic, examining the use of context in therapy, spheres of inf
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Gestalt is rooted in the concept of Existential Responsibility - incorporating autonomy, choice, freedom, and the power to change direction, at any moment. We focus on the ownership of experience, and pay careful attention to language that reflects a
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Contact and awareness go hand in hand in Gestalt. We move towards meeting in Good Contact and explore what organises Poor Contact. Clear boundaries are an inherent part of ‘meeting in difference’, as are the sensory Contact Functions.